The end of a beautiful experience
IMG_20180101_203800.jpgMy EVS project has reached the finish line. While I look back on these six months, I think there are not enough words to describe the emotions I felt.
It is not my first experience abroad, but it is certainly the first experience in which I find myself for such a long period away from home, from relatives and friends, from everyday life. The EVS project was the perfect opportunity to break the mold, and an experience where you put yourself on the line and you can (re)discover yourself.During the last English lesson, a student asked me if there was some object or event in the course of my life, which has led to some change in me. I have been thinking a lot about my past, but I think that the biggest change I had until now is due precisely to this project: it has been one of the best turning points of my life. I arrived in Russia as a person, and I will be back in Italy more secure and stronger than before, with more professional and language skills, and most of all HAPPY ( with melancholy). I am happy by taking on these six months in the company of wonderful people, who helped me when I needed, with whom I have shared moments of daily life and work “life”, conversations, laughs, ideas, projects, EVERYTHING.

First, I would like to thank INTERRA and its team, composed by Lena, Nastya, Ira, Kristina and Natasha, a beautiful co-working staff!. Thanks for having always been supportive in every occasion, for giving me various opportunities to develop ideas and let me grow from a professional and personal point of view. You are amazing people!GOSH5596.jpg

Included in INTERRA’s group, I cannot be thankful to my companions of adventure and projects, Emily and Erich! Thanks for every single moment shared, professional or not!

Collaborating with the whole team of INTERRA was magnificent! Thank you all for this wonderful experience!

Thanks to MORE MOSAIC and NOUS (especially Francesco) for trusting and supporting me in these beautiful and “very short” months in Siberia.

I am very thankful to my host Aygul, with whom I shared unforgettable moments and infinite laughs. Thanks for sharing entire days, being always available and helpful and, above all, to make me feel as if I were at home. You have been a fantastic host and friend, for the whole duration of my EVS!

I would say thank you to all my students of Italian and English language. You were great students and friends, with whom I have shared not only lectures, but also moments of joy, serenity and fun.

I am thankful to all the schools, universities, libraries, associations that invited me as a guest, with whom I could share voluntary and life experiences, entertain students of different ages, by discussing various cultural topics and not.

I would like to say thank you to all those who, in different ways (through projects, meetings, etc.) I met during my life in Russia.

Thanks to all of you for helping me making this experience unique and unforgettable! I hope to see you again! I will miss you very much!