FORUM UNOY “Shaping the narratives”: from Theory to Practice.
FORUM UNOY “Shaping the narratives”: from Theory to Practice.
Last September, I had the pleasure to participate in the FORUM UNOY Shaping the Narrative that was held in the Hague and organized by the United Network of Young Peace-builders. Indeed, the atmosphere was extremely enriching and positive. The main theme and purpose of the FORUM was to exchange experiences and cooperate on actions to foster peace-building in the world and counter hateful narratives.
We, young peace-builders, were gathering together coming from different areas of the world with our unique approach to peace-building. It was a pleasure for me to discover which kind of programmes and actions my colleagues were implementing In their countries and respective communities to build peace. And also, I had the opportunity to work with my friend Adure on a project with the aim to build positive human narratives towards nature.
Indeed, together, we planned an environmental sustainable enterprise with the aim to empower local communities living in rural and remote villages of Africa and Ukraine! Although I think I won’t be able to implement this project during my staying here in Ukraine, this idea was such inspirational that I will realize it somehow and someday, maybe in my next deployment.
Also, this was the moment for me to exchange with my colleagues my precious experience in Peru in the field of environmental conflict prevention. It was the first time this topic has been addressed in this space and I was honored to deliver a workshop explaining how peace is at risk when human beings destroy the environment and nature.
Apart from very good memory and true moments of fun, the FORUM has left me with the willingness to put In practice the methods learnt during those days, to empower more people to achieve peace in their communities and to counter hateful narratives that are shaping everyday life. This FORUM has been for me the starting point of many initiatives I have implemented here in Ukraine and it will be a point of reference also in my next adventures.
Finally, meeting such inspiring people made me feel less alone. I had the feeling that there are many young people dancing together the same music around the world. It’s just a matter of gathering, planning and cooperating together to achieve the goal of peace and security.