My first months in Krasnoyarsk

My first months in Krasnoyarsk

It is two months I am in Krasnoyarsk, and I am enjoying the city, people and my work so much! At the beginning of July, I have been with my host Aygul and her family to dacha. That was a great experience! For those who do not know, dacha is not a simple country house. Russian people go there both to escape the city, both to work. The culture of dachas is a kind of compensation to a city dweller for the cramped living conditions… There, in the embrace of nature, people enjoy…Read more
Siberia, here I am!

Siberia, here I am!

Hello everyone! My name is Federica and I am the new EVS volunteer at Interra NGO in Krasnoyarsk. I am from Valenza Po, a small town in Piedmont, in the North of Italy. Valenza is an international goldsmith centre, specialized in jewellery production, cradle of the secular handcraft tradition I studied Foreign Languages at the University of Pavia, a town in Lombardy, not so far from Milan. I am specialized in English, French and Russian. I have always been interested in Russian culture, which is why I chose to study that language. This…Read more