Summer Camp in Russia – July 2018
Do you want to see Russia “from inside”, but did not get to World Cup 2018?))
INTERRA is an NGO for Non-Formal Education and Intercultural Communication based in Krasnoyarsk, Russia www.interrasibir.com, https://www.facebook.com/InterraSibir/
We invite you to volunteer in our English Language Summer Camp “Better World: EnterTime” in a picturesque place in Sibiria, in the area of the nature park “Stolby”, close to Krasnoyarsk (Russia)
When: 19th to the 29 of July (arrival day 18th or earlier, departure day for you 30th or later)
What does the English Language Summer Camp mean?
An educational and entertaining project for teenies aged 13-16.
For 10 days (from 19th to 29th of July) a team of 10 adults and 50 teenagers participants travels to a country club for children to immerse themselves in the subject of the camp and to learn English.
The daily program of the camp consists of:
– 4 hours of interactive English language classes in the morning
– 2 thematic workshops (each for 45 minutes, also using English)
– awesome daily evening events, created by the participants
– outdoor activities: volleyball, active games, playing the guitar, songs by the fire etc.
All 10 days of the school are devoted to a certain topic – Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Our world is in a constant development, and how it will look like tomorrow depends on all of us. How to make our lives safer, healthier and freer? What global topics is humankind worried about? How can we become a part of positive change? Peace, People, Planet, Partnership and Prosperity – such contexts will become the main ones for these ten days. What about English? English is the tool that will help us work with these topics. It is taught to be used for understanding, communicating and reaching SDG.
What can we offer to you?
Work in a highly motivated team across cultures.
Your visa and travel costs will be reimbursed up to 400 EURO.
Accommodation and meals for 10 days are free.
We are ready to find for you a guest family for further 3 – 7 days if needed
For sure we will find for you some people who would show you the city or walk with you to the nature park Stolby… Or maybe some other contacts you need…
Who are we looking for?
For proactive guys who are interested in working with teenagers, the subject of the school and are ready to be included in the camp activities all 10 days “from morning to night”.
You also need to be ready to work with children with different levels of motivation and English language skills.
We expect from you
a short motivation
a short introducing and/or CV, with photo
a sketch of two workshops around the subject of the school (each 4 sessions of 45 minutes) which you will be ready to organize and hold in the school. F. ex. forum theater, video production, adbursting etc as format + a certain topic.
In addition, perhaps you are ready to become a speaker and make a short (45min) report in English concerning one of the aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals? Or you have idea for an evening event? Or you could support the English lessons? Write down everything you are interested in or would be ready to do.
Interested? Then contact us:
send as soon as possible (we wait for candidates till 5th of June) a mail to
Elena Bobrovskaya e.bobrowskaja@gmail.com
We will contact you back and speak up a Skype with short lested candidates.