EcoSuperheroes – Youth Exchange in Repubblica Ceca

Lo scambio giovanile EcoSuperheroes è ospitato da Zakladni clanek Hnuti Brontosaurus Modry kamen, ecco la descrizione del progetto:

“The main goal of our project is to raise the level of ecological education of youth in Europe, even though we consider their “environmental awareness” being advanced. This exchange aims to create an intercultural dialogue and solidarity chain between 30 eco-citizens from different countries who have different levels of awareness and live different eco-realities. The main aim of the exchange is to familiarize the young people with the ecological problems and the ways to tackle them, as an important part of creating European ecological consciousness; to encourage the protections of the environment and the healthy way of living through the realization of various eco initiatives, physical and entertaining activities.”

Partecipanti: 4 (età 18-26) + 1 Group Leader (età 18-30)
Data: 2 – 12 Marzo 2020
Luogo: Centre for Environmental Leisure Švýcárna, Josefov 459, 679 04 Adamov, Czech Republic
Spese di viaggio rimborsate fino a 275 €, vitto e alloggio gratuiti


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