Lockdown Generation

Lockdown Generation

"It is hard to be 20 in 2020," French President Emmanuel Macron said last year, referring to the devastating impacts of the pandemic on young people, this situation is unfortunately still appliable to 2021 where lockdown and restrictive measures are still in place and the students' life is still far from normality. This statement is the opening of the interesting article posted on Euronews that analizes the impact of the lockdown on European youngsters, among the various stories described and collected by the OECD during their studies there are also examples on how…Read more
More Mosaic for all – European Opportunities

More Mosaic for all – European Opportunities

European opportunities The experience is almost over. Last days of more mosaic 4 all are knocking at the door! Today we had the opportunity to know more about the European projects and the skills we acquired in the project. We focused on the European solidarity corps, youth exchanges and training courses. We deepened our knowledge of the matter by the mean of the human library. Three of the participants decided to share their experiences and gave all the necessary informations. And later on we deepened our knowledge of Ukrainian culture by exploring Lviv.…Read more
More Mosaic for all – Storytelling!

More Mosaic for all – Storytelling!

Relaxed time learning how to tell a story and our stories Ninth day of activities at More Mosaic 4 All project. Today we kept it cool with lot of breaks to recover from yesterday’s emotional activities. The main topic of the day was storytelling, in his various aspects. First of all, we got to understand that telling a story can be a matter of minutes or hours: you can spend hours talking about a picture and talk about your whole life story in one minute. Actually, we found interesting that keeping the time…Read more
More Mosaic for all – Getting out of the comfort zone

More Mosaic for all – Getting out of the comfort zone

Getting out of the comfort zone through different and various activities Lucas, Nicolas, Felix, Klevi, Olena More Mosaic 4 All project in Lviv continues. Today we tried to overpass our comfort zones by many different activities. Active citizenship, developing opinions, learning to listen to each other’s needs, dealing with stressing situations and conflict were the main topics of the day. First of all, we discovered the active citizenship background each of us have. We were divided into groups and then we presented our experiences in our lives. Afterward, we discussed about the improvement…Read more
More Mosaic for all – Future engineers are growing up

More Mosaic for all – Future engineers are growing up

Turning active citizens into engineers and more… Olena, Lucas, Paulina, Felix, Klevi Another sunny day at More Mosaic 4 All project. Today the European youth worked mostly on team building activities. We started the day by expressing our feelings with the use of Dixit cards. After that we were divided in groups to talk and discuss about active citizenship, finding a definition for it and discussing problems, challenges that we have in each country. Another important focus was on the support and best practices of our own representative countries. We found out that…Read more
More Mosaic for all – Creativity

More Mosaic for all – Creativity

Lucas, Paulina, Victor, Felix, Nicolas, Klevi The aim of the second day was to express our emotions, thoughts through visual art. We were oriented to painting activities, using various colors and techniques to fully awake our expressions. We started the day by meeting a new facilitator. The new facilitator, Alena, introduced us to the world of creativity by painting using only leaves and colors. The activity was perfectly matching with the autumn season and the view behind our windows. We felt relaxed, immersed into the creative process. As the time was flying, we…Read more
More Mosaic for all is on!

More Mosaic for all is on!

Almost 40 people from 8 countries will be together in Lviv for 10 days. More Mosaic For all youth exchange started in the best way. Almost 40 people from 8 different countries met in LVIV, Ukraine. This is the 2nd part of the project. The 1st one was held in Georgia, in June 2019. We had the chance to have indoor and outdoor activities due to very sunny days, something unusually for Ukraine in this period of time.  A lot of activities took place in the very first day, where all the participants…Read more
Recognize Youth Work!

Recognize Youth Work!

The Erasmus + project of Job Shadowing "Recognize Youth Work" is coming to an end, in this last period we have worked on what was learned during the period spent in Lebanon and on what we are trying to do in Italy to ensure that the undeniable value of mobility experiences and volunteering carried out by young people is perceived and valued first by themselves, then by the people around them, first and foremost their families, schools and universities and then on a wider level in the labor market, we have summarized everything…Read more
What a beautiful experience -More Mosaic Everywhere for Everyone Always-Ukraine 2018

What a beautiful experience -More Mosaic Everywhere for Everyone Always-Ukraine 2018

The experience of Rosa Cascone and the italian team during the Erasmus + project  "More Mosaic Everywhere for Everyone Always" in Lviv, Ukraine, organized by More Mosaic and Stella A group of youngsters from five different countries: Ukraine, Italy, Georgia, Sweden and Greece took part a Youth Exchange in Pustomyty where the aim of the project was to be creative in different forms in particular drawing and theatre and provide us with methods of delivering messages and implementing own ideas though creativity and art. The project takes 12days of working with different activities and energizer where…Read more
6 Museums I Love In Stockholm. And 2 I don’t

6 Museums I Love In Stockholm. And 2 I don’t

Since I lived in this city for some 9 months now, I visited many museums and places in Stockholm and its surroundings. It’s worth noticing that many of them are free, or have free entrance days. Enjoy my list! Moderna museet. Some people turn their noses up when it comes to modern art. Well, they could use a visit to Moderna Museet. Its collection includes many different artists and styles, from impressionism and expressionism (19th-20th centuries) to the latest avant-gardes and conceptual art. My three favourite rooms are the one dedicated to Russian…Read more
My Semla Obsession

My Semla Obsession

Tomorrow will be Fat Tuesday (or Shrove Tuesday) and that means you must do two things: 1. Have a semla! 2. Have more semlor (plural form). Semla is a Swedish cream-filled bun traditionally consumed in January-February, around Carnival period. In Finnish is called laskiaispulla and it is popular all over Scandinavia and Baltic region. The bun has its top cut off, and is then filled with almond paste and topped with whipped cream. Here is a video (in Swedish) about the best places to have a semla in Stockholm. Although I am personally one…Read more
SWEDEN… let’s talk about holidays!

SWEDEN… let’s talk about holidays!

If you have worked in Sweden or with Swedes for some reasons, from time to time you might have received an automatic response similar to this one: “Hej! I will be on holiday from the 20th of June to the 29th of August. During this time I will not be able to check my email regularly …but if it’s important, you can tweet me using #YOUAREINTERRUPTINGMYVACATION” (or some other comments considered to be funny). Usually it happens when you have just sent a very important email that took you an average of an…Read more